14 March 2007: Pizza for Dinner

Category: General
Posted by: erin
This was so funny I had to put it in an entry of it's own.

We went back to the hotel after the 5pm visit, to get cleaned up and have some dinner. Ruth does not want to get Papa John's (which was close to the hotel) so we attempt to call Pizza Hut. The first person that answers the phone doesn't know what to do - Ruth says we're from out of town, and the poor thing gets totally confused about what to do with a cell number with an out of town area code. Ruth tried to give her the phone number about 3 times - and every time the girl she was talking to didn't understand what to do with the area code. Ruth gave up, hung up the phone, waited a little bit, and called back. She got a different operator this time - and soon hung up the phone again, as she couldn't understand a single word he said. It was english, we knew - but with such a drawl that the whole thing sounded totally foreign.

We called Papa John's, they handled the whole thing, and we had Pizza in our room a short while later.

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ruthie wrote:

And shortly after the pizza arrived, came the game of "Spit". I wonder if other people when faced with emotionally "heavy" situations get as remarkably silly as we tend to do.
-- 31 March 2007 10:28:41
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