23 April 2007: Updated spread..

Category: Maps
Posted by: erin
Some of you found this as fascinating as I did. So here's an update.

Updated map of visits to mike.haaser.com

Those are the general locations of the visitors to this site since it went live at the end of March. There are a lot more in the Carolinas and Virginia and Tennessee. I wonder how many AT-hikers have stopped by.

Dad loves your comments, so make sure to leave a note in the guestbook. ink

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noel wrote:

i purposely checked this blog when i was in oc and there is definitely more orange in MD now......how about a link right to this from the menu on the top right? i had to sift back through to find it again and when i typed in "map" on the search it did not come up....

i saw a guy on the boardwalk in oc with a fly new techno leg, it was pretty cool, like a sporty one. shiny! hope mr mike is looking forward to his change of scenery, and is ready for the girls downstairs to be his cheerleaders (the last time i saw them they were pretty great dancers)
-- 23 April 2007 16:35:27

erin wrote:

These map things are now under the category "Maps", which is listed over there in the right column under "Categories"..

I read your comment to Dad, he's learning a lot of neat stuff about prosthetic limbs.. I'm hoping once he's at Gramma's he can start sharing some of that... we'll see.
-- 24 April 2007 02:51:42
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