22 April 2007: Counting Down

Category: General
Posted by: marsha
Just a few more days at Metro for learning the art of wound care. It amazes me how much improvement I see day to day, By Wednesday, we should be ready to take over. When Phyllis and I arrived at the hospital today, we were pleasantly surprised to see Ruthie sitting quietly at Mike's bedside...it was a great visit for all!

Looks like everything is in place for Wednesday---

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ruthie wrote:

I did get to sneak in yesterday for an afternoon/evening visit. I still haven't had a chance to see him in PT/OT yet, but oh what a difference since last weekend!! His leg muscles are defined again and he really looks like a healthy guy. The skin graft looks excellent too! Keep it up Pop!!
-- 23 April 2007 09:05:20
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