17 April 2007: Some goodbyes and some leaps

Category: General
Posted by: erin
I called Dad last night to check in, and he mentioned that he and Tammy said goodbye after his bandage change last night. He is apparently too healthy to justify the trek down to the burn unit for spray table baths. Dad said they both got a little choked up about it. Tammy took great care of Dad, I know he will miss her tending.

The nurses up in the rehab unit did a good job with the bandages over the weekend, and managed to give him a bandage Sunday night that allowed him to do an exercise in PT that the therapist has been asking him to do, but that the bandages simply did not allow: He had to lie on the stump side, cross his right leg all the way over his body so that the right knee/calf/etc. rested on the mat, and then try to lift the stump up toward the ceiling. If any of you have done certain types of aerobics, you'll recognize this as an inner-thigh strengthening excercise. The therapist was apparently pretty excited--he couldn't actually lift the stump, but she saw the muscles twitching, and apparently that's pretty hard to do.

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