07 October 2007: Slow progress
The last entry was almost a month ago. Things really have slowed down. On the most part, things have been status quo. I am continuing to get stronger with Overload (Columbus) fitness training twice a week. Their progress report shows a 125% gain at 270 lbs (that would be aprox 540 lbs with two legs) on the leg press, a 104% gain at 184 lbs on the overhead press, and a 60% gain at 320 lbs on the pull down (chin-up) are among the most dramatic. The progress report was used as part of a "C-9" to get "Workman's Comp of Ohio" to recognize the significance of Overload in my recovery.

The transition evaluation with Dr. Nubunago went smoothly and the prosthetic process is progressing (be it a little too slowly to suit me). The PT evaluation at the Drake Rehabilitation Center on Wednesday the 8th will complete the transition to the Cincinnati team.
I bowled a 327 series (109 average) last week. The scratch bowlers have nothing to fear, but a little improvement each week works for now. Still hoping to be averaging in 120/130 range by the end of season.
9/29 Completed a three mile hike from our condo down the switch-backs to the "Old Powder Plant" (nearest parking lot on the Little Miami Bike Trail) for 2nd consecutive weekend. Came home drenched and with sore palms and wrists which are the current distance limitation. I weighed a new post-amputation low, 192 lbs after Saturday's excursion. I really am ready for a leg.

10/1&2 Did another 3 mile bike trail hike Saturday and its starting to get easier. thought I'd try some "bulldozing" Sunday with Bonnie on the camera.

Click "read more" for more "Overload" pics.

The transition evaluation with Dr. Nubunago went smoothly and the prosthetic process is progressing (be it a little too slowly to suit me). The PT evaluation at the Drake Rehabilitation Center on Wednesday the 8th will complete the transition to the Cincinnati team.
I bowled a 327 series (109 average) last week. The scratch bowlers have nothing to fear, but a little improvement each week works for now. Still hoping to be averaging in 120/130 range by the end of season.
9/29 Completed a three mile hike from our condo down the switch-backs to the "Old Powder Plant" (nearest parking lot on the Little Miami Bike Trail) for 2nd consecutive weekend. Came home drenched and with sore palms and wrists which are the current distance limitation. I weighed a new post-amputation low, 192 lbs after Saturday's excursion. I really am ready for a leg.

10/1&2 Did another 3 mile bike trail hike Saturday and its starting to get easier. thought I'd try some "bulldozing" Sunday with Bonnie on the camera.

Click "read more" for more "Overload" pics.

Jen wrote:
I agree with Noel, you've come a very looong way. We are all very proud of you! Hope to see you soon! Missin' ya!
-- 16 October 2007 20:53:19
Jen Kennedy wrote:
Oh, I forgot to mention... Tyler wrote a short story about Hatteras for a school project. Complete with pictures of "Beach Chair Chicken". He drew a picture of you, Pete and Chris being drilled in the surf. I'll scan it and email it to you. Wonder if I could post it here on the blog? May need a host site, then post the link? Erin, is it possible?
-- 16 October 2007 21:02:53
noel wrote: